Got Simplicity?

The last thing you need when growing your business is complexity; Windows Server Essentials simplifies the way you run your business.

Imagine having a solution that gives you the freedom to work where you choose—anytime, anywhere knowing that your important business data is protected and secure. Windows Server Essentials is an affordable solution designed for small businesses with 25 computers or less, limited IT resources and are looking for an easy first server solution.

How will adopting my first server change my daily productivity and security?

Automatic Data Backup

Get peace of mind with daily automatic backup of every computer or network.

Anywhere Access

Quickly connect to the PCs in your network, access files and programs from any location.

Single View Dashboard

Have one single view dashboard where you can manage users, devices, storage and programs.

Explore all the solution benefits of adopting your first server:

Online data backup and protection of your computers.
You will no longer need to worry about losing all your data.
Employees will be able to easily share and organize business documents.
Provide remote access to data from any internet-connected location or device.
Provide a platform for running line-of-business applications.
Offer the flexibility of multiple options for integrated email.
Reduce infrastructure costs for businesses with limited IT support.

Managing this Server is simpler than ever with the new streamlined Essentials Dashboard

Easily add / remove users
Share files and folders
Set up backup for server and client machines
Enable Remote Access
Easily connect new computers to the Active Directory domain

Simplify the way you run your business today!