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Newegg will match the price subject to verification and the terms below. The cost difference will be credited to you in the form of a Newegg Customer Care card which is good for use on the Newegg.com website or the Newegg mobile application for 90 calendar days from date of issue. Newegg reserves the right to modify or discontinue the Price Match Guarantee at any time without notice but will honor any eligible price matching requests for an item purchased from Newegg prior to the date the Price Match Guarantee is discontinued.
*Major retailers include: amazon.com, bestbuy.com, cdw.com, crutchfield.com, dell.com, gamestop.com, kmart.com, officedepot.com, officemax.com, sears.com, staples.com, target.com, and walmart.com. The term "major retailer" excludes third-party sellers whose products are sold through a major retailer's online marketplace. For questions, please contact our customer service.